You will find Caster wheels virtually everywhere around you. They are in our homes, schools, offices, public places like airports, hotels, and hospitals. We fail to appreciate the massive favor these little wonders perform in our everyday life. They are often connected to office tools, shopping carts, and our chairs.
Even though we fail to recognize these heroes that have made our lives much more relaxed and better, they continue to enjoy countless applications in the majority of our workplaces. They come in different sizes, widths, and materials. Having casters on our furniture and equipment offers convenience and ease with which we get certain jobs done.
Benefits of caster wheels outside our homes
In hospitals, for instance, caster wheels are placed under beds to help move patients around quickly. Similarly, having casters on carts helps doctors and nurses move equipment with ease. When you visit the mall or supermarket, caster wheels are attached to shopping carts to help you move around without stress. They are designed to move in either fixed direction or move 360 degrees to enhance flexibility.

Getting a caster for your office chair can be a daunting task unless you have the basic knowledge of casters and how they operate. We will mention few of them and hope that it gives a general overview on making the right choice of office chair caster wheels.
How floor surface condition affect caster wheels
The environment in which casters are going to be used is a significant factor to consider when making your choice. You need to know the nature of the floor surface (concrete, tile, carpet, or hardwood), the weight capacity of the caster wheels. You also have varieties of caster wheels to choose from; they can be made from polyurethane, nylon, aluminum, stainless steel, pneumatics, iron, and rubber.

Attaching quality caster wheels on your office chairs makes it easy for you to move them around quickly without leaving any marks on your floor or causing further damage to deteriorating levels. Have it in mind that the heavier the chair is, the stronger the caster needs to be.

What types of caster wheels should you use?
Casters come in three basic designs namely; the single wheels, dual wheels, and of course the ball wheels. Lets quickly have a look at what they are and when it’s best to use them.
· Single wheel casters
Single caster wheels are often used for lightweight office chairs. To help them carry the weight, they are made from strong materials to ensure that they have an extended life span.
Dual wheel casters are designed to carry heavier loads. They also distribute the load evenly over a large surface area hence providing more balance. Also, the double wheel caster design implies that they also possess a greater diameter. As such, they tend to roll better and resist any obstacle that stands on their paths like debris or rough surface.

Here is a priceless tip for you when considering to buy a caster for your office chair. As a general rule, use hard casters on smooth floor surfaces, and smooth casters on hard floor surfaces. Casters made of metal should only be used on hardwearing floor surfaces like concrete and tiles. On the other hand, casters made of rubber or plastic should be used on carpets and wooden floors.
Here are other factors to consider when making your choice of office chair caster!
· Consider safety and ergonomics
Caster wheels are provided to enable you to push or pull your office chair because of their weight. Health and safety regulations warn against the lifting of heavy objects as they can lead to injury or bad posture in the long run.

As such, your choice of office chair caster wheel should have a larger wheel diameter to cushion the effects of friction and also allow the wheels to roll freely. If you stick to this tip, you are going to notice a substantial improvement in your productivity and efficiency at work. It also reduces the risk of injuries.
· Nature of Floor protection
In this article, we are focused on the carpeted office floor finish. Working in a carpeted office presents its unique kind of challenges. Not having the right casters for your office furniture can hinder movement and also have an adverse effect on employee’s productivity. It is advised that you opt for casters with locking features that allow you to hold them in place at will.
The nature of wheel materials is what makes office chair casters carpet-friendly. Unlike hardwood floors where you need soft materials like rubber and polyurethane to help you maintain grip and roll smoothly across the surface, you need caster wheels made from hard materials for carpeted floors. They will grip the carpet better, hence, making it easy to turn and roll. If you were to use a rubbery caster wheel, you would notice that it often gets stuck to the carpet and hinder movement.
· Cost, maintenance, and durability
Getting the best office chair casters is highly encouraged but shouldn’t put a hole in your pocket or cost your business too much money. When purchasing any office chair caster, remember to factor in the cost of maintenance and replacement. To get the most from your office chair caster wheel, and also enhance its durability. You must ensure that the casters are well taken care of and undergo regular maintenance. It doesn’t require much expertise to take care of your office chair caster wheel.

How to clean office chair caster wheels
We share a few tips with you on how to go about it. This is something you can do in your leisure time or during break hours.
· Start by taking off the wheels if they are removable. You can do this by using a screwdriver to unwind the screws holding the wheels to the base. It's best you turn the chair upside down to enable you to work freely.

· Inspect the wheels to see if anything is stuck in the wheels. If you find any debris or gum, use your fingers, pick them out. You can also use, a tweezer to dislodge any dirt or object that is clinging there.

· You can proceed to wash the wheels with soap and water. It is advised that you let the wheels soak in warm water for at least 10 minutes before scrubbing it. Afterward, you can rinse the wheels, clean them, and allow them to get dry.

· The next thing will be to reattach the wheels to the base of the chair. Once you have properly secured the screws, test to see if the wheel is functioning freely. You keep it at optimal working condition, spray some lubricants into the mechanical parts so that it works smoothly.
Office chair caster wheels will bring comfort to your body and make you look to the next workday. The right choice of office chair will relieve you of stress and fatigue. Make sure you know what you want and then go after it. These tips will save your selection very easy and less time demanding. Also, if your wheels ever get stuck, fixing it shouldn’t be a problem.