Garage Organization and Cleaning {July HOD}

Garage Organization and Cleaning {July HOD}

Garage Organization and Cleaning {July HOD}

This article is reprinted from this website, for more details, please refer to this blog.


Get your garage cleaned and organized with these awesome garage organization ideas.  Free printables, inspiration ideas, and lots of garage organization tips to take back your garage space once and for all!

Hello! It’s time to get going on another month of The Household Organization Diet!  Hopefully you made some progress on organizing the laundry room last month and are all ready to go.  This month we’ll be moving on to some garage organization!

Honestly, the garage is the hardest space for me to keep organized on an ongoing basis. It tends to be one of my favorite “dumping grounds” for anything that I don’t know what to do with and the clutter can pile up quickly!


Garage organization usually takes a little more planning than a lot of the other spaces in your home.  Begin by setting aside a designated chunk of time to work on the space and try to include as many members of the family as possible.  You don’t want to have to delay making decisions about what items will stay and what items will go, so you want to have everyone present that has any input into this.

A weekend definitely works best so you can give yourself enough time to actually complete the project, but sometimes you just have to find the time wherever you can. If you’re doing smaller blocks of time, pick smaller projects or areas to work on.  It’s also a lot easier if the weather is dry so you can use your yard or driveway to sort out what you need and what you don’t.

To really be able to declutter and purge, you ideally need to take EVERYTHING out of the space. This gives you a true picture of everything that you have {and don’t need!} and is really needed to clean the garage well. You can often find some interesting surprises lurking behind all of that stuff!

If tackling the whole space is just too overwhelming for you {or you can’t find a big enough chunk of time), you can do it in sections.  It does tend to get a little bit complicated when it comes to re-organizing everything though, so you may have to do some juggling around in the end.  In any case, JUST GET STARTED!  Anything that you do will be better than nothing!


Here are the tasks that I’ll be tackling in our garage this month.  Be sure to give everything a GOOD CLEANING as you empty out the space. You can print out the list as shown below or print out a blank one and customize your own to do list.

                                            DOWNLOAD THE GARAGE ORGANIZATION TASKS HERE
                                                    DOWNLOAD THE BLANK GARAGE TASKS HERE


Print out the calendar below and schedule in some time to get your tasks done.  For the garage, it does work best if you can schedule a large block of time rather than little bits each day.  Choose whatever works best for you though – anything is better than nothing!

                                                           DOWNLOAD THE JULY 2018 CALENDAR


I use this section, to write down little jobs or projects that I would like to do in the space as well as any particular items that I would like to buy {either for now or in the future}. You might want to print out two sheets – one for things that you would like to do this month and a second sheet for future projects.

                                                                          DOWNLOAD THE JULY NOTES


Are you ready to get going?  Check out these posts for a ton of ideas to get you started on your space.  If you’re still stuck, let me know.  You can find our initial garage makeover here.  You won’t believe the before and afters!

If you need some garage organization inspiration, check out some of my favorite Garage Organization Ideas from around the internet.  There are so many easy DIY’s that can quickly transform your space.

Make the most of your vertical space and learn how to build a pegboard wall.  It can be used for so many items – from garden equipment and cleaning supplies to power tools and crafting supplies.

You can see how we used ours to keep our kids’ sports equipment organized. This Pegboard Sports Equipment Organization has worked great for us and has been one of the easiest spots to keep organized.

This Pallet Sports Equipment Storage was another super simple DIY that has been perfect for storing all of our hockey sticks and baseball bats. It would be great for gardening tools too.

Painting our garage floor made a HUGE difference in the look of our garage and was quite simple to do.  Learn How to Paint a Garage Floor with this step by step tutorial.


I’m a big fan of just donating everything that you don’t need so you can get it out of the house as quickly and effortlessly as possible.  If you have some larger ticket items though that you would like to sell or are considering doing a garage sale, read this post – To Sell or Not to Sell. You want to make sure that it’s worth your time!


Let me know if you have any questions or need any further ideas!  If you like this plan, be sure to grab my book, The Home Decluttering Diet, for more organization tips and tricks.  It’s so nice to have everything in one place!


This post is part of The Household Organization Diet.  If you need some organization inspiration, check out THIS POST  to learn more about the plan and THIS POST for all of the 2018 updates.

It’s updated on the first of every month with the new plan so don’t forget to bookmark it! You CAN get that house cleaned and organized once and for all!  To see all of the previous posts click the Get Organized tab at the top of the blog and go to The Household Organization Diet.  I also have all of the posts pinned to my Household Organization Diet Pinterest Board.   If you like the plan, you can order my book, The Home Decluttering Diet, for full room-by-room decluttering and organization guides, DIY organization projects, and lots of extra tips and tricks!  Start at any time and make sure you are following along so you don’t miss out…


{P.S. The WHOLE YEAR of printables for The Household Organization Diet is available to my email subscribers, so be sure to sign up if this plan is for you!}

                                                                                 Happy Organizing!

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