This article is reprinted from this website, for more details, please refer to this blog 

When you live in a small house, sometimes the garage is your only source of good storage. What do you store there?  Just. About. Everything. It’s not just holiday lights and the lawn mower when your have a smaller space… It’s Costco purchases and out of season clothes, your good set of china for parties, and your decorating and craft supplies. The list goes on… However, it’s also easy for the garage to fall into organizing chaos. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Been there! But you can take control, and make over that space to help take the clutter pressure off the indoor living areas. These garage makeover ideas & projects will have you organizing and storing with everything in it’s place!

Our feature project is from ‘Garage Designs‘. They use a slatted siding system, where you can add hooks at any point between the slats, and move when necessary. If  you don’t want to pay for a design company to install this kind of a system, you could DIY this with a similar product, or use the same idea using heavy duty pegboard

Garage Makeover Projects 9

Kim at ‘The Kim Six Fix‘ did this entire garage makeover herself, totally DIY! She even has a mudroom next to the door! I love how she walks you through her whole planning process, which I think is key… (Truth. Mine kinda looks like her before right now, even as I write this post on garage organizing. Hmmm…)

Garage from outside

For less than $20, Maryann (ok, Maryann’s hubby!) at ‘Domestically Speaking‘ did this DIY garage door makeover with stain in about 3 hours. I happen to have one of those boring white garage doors. Wonder if we can find stain to match our trim…  Steve? 🙂


Want to go another direction with  your garage doors? Eliesa at ‘A Pinterest Addict‘ teaches you how to create a faux carriage garage door with her tutorial! If your home is more traditional, this is a great look, and she did it for $4!


Is your garage floor pretty disgusting from oil, dirt and grime? Or do you just want to keep it from getting that way? Invest in an interlocking tile system, like this one from ‘Modutile‘. Looks great, it’s slip resistant and stain resistant. Oh, and it looks cool.


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