Garage Floor Epoxy DIY

Garage Floor Epoxy DIY

Garage Floor Epoxy DIY

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Clean and strengthen your garage floor with our easy garage floor epoxy DIY project.

It’s important to keep your garage organized, but have you ever considered the floor? All of those neatly arranged tools and painted cupboards won’t look nearly as nice if there’s a big oil stain on the concrete. Give your garage floor a complete makeover with a garage floor epoxy coating kit. This garage floor epoxy will make your garage look and feel like a showroom, while providing twice as much strength as normal concrete.

How to Apply Garage Floor Epoxy

Before you start this project, know that the concrete must be at least 60 days old. Make sure you pick a day where the temperature falls between 50 and 80 degrees. Otherwise, the epoxy can bubble and peel. It’s also extremely important to keep your garage well ventilated.

Garage Floor Epoxy DIY

1. Make sure your surface is totally clean and repair any holes or cracks in the concrete. Sweep off the floor and clean it thoroughly because grease and dirt can negatively affect the epoxy adhesion. After scrubbing with an all-purpose cleaner, make sure to let the floor dry for a few hours. This step is very important and should not be rushed.

2. Once your floor is completely clean and dry, use a plastic watering can to mix the etching solution. Make sure you wear protective boots, gloves and safety goggles to avoid contact with the chemicals. Wet the floor and pour the etching solution out in the corner farthest from your point of exit. Use a push broom to scrub the solution in one direction and then scrub it in the perpendicular direction.

3. Once you’ve finished scrubbing on the etching solution, rinse the floor off with a hose. Start in the original corner and work your way out again, making sure to rinse until the solution is no longer visible. Allow four hours to dry.

4. Open both the epoxy paint and the hardener. Stir the epoxy as you slowly pour the hardener into the can and stir for about three minutes. Let it sit for 30 minutes.

5. When the formula is ready, pour it into a paint roller tray. Use a 3″ paint brush and start painting the perimeter. Once this is finished, take a paint roller and apply the epoxy paint to the rest of the floor, starting in that same corner farthest from your exit point. Use the same method of painting in one direction, then going over it in the perpendicular direction. You have only two hours for it to cure properly. Remember to keep the garage well ventilated.

6. If you want to apply garage floor color flakes, stop after each section and sprinkle them on. Start by sprinkling lightly, and add more to get the desired coating. Color flakes can help hide any imperfections in the concrete and epoxy. They can also help improve the durability and impact resistance of your garage floor.

7. Let the epoxy dry for 12-24 hours, but don’t park your car on the floor for an additional 72 hours.

Note: One kit typically covers a one-car garage. Two kits are needed for a two-car garage.


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