Clearing clutter in the garage can be an ordeal. Taking it one step at a time is key to reclaiming the garage. Start by getting rid of, or find a new home for, these three items that shouldn't be stored in the garage.
Propane Tanks: One of the most dangerous things to keep in your garage is a propane tank. Sometimes it's hard to get the valve closed all the way, which could lead to harmful fumes in the garage. Garages are typically a more confined space, so it's better to store tanks elsewhere. Aim for keeping your propane tanks outside or in a space with no electricity to avoid sparks.
Fabrics: Many people keep coats, baby clothes, bedding or donation piles in the garage. Fabrics are very inviting to pests as they are warm and soft. They can also become damaged as a result of rain or melting snow in the winter. These items should be stored somewhere else in the house or donated to a local donation center.
Paint: Paint seems like a storage no-brainer, it's logical that it would be stored in the garage. In reality, the garage is not the best place to store used paint. With how much the temperature can change in the garage, it's easy for the paint to quickly go bad.
Take your garage de-cluttering slow and start be eliminating the items that should be stored elsewhere or donated. Cutting down on just a handful of items in the garage is a great first step to garage organization.